About the Canadian Automotive Partnership Council


To assist the Canadian Automotive Partnership Council in fulfilling its mandate, seven committees have been created to reflect the evolution of the industry while addressing ongoing challenges. Each committee is chaired by a CAPC member and meet at regular intervals, to identify key issues affecting their respective areas of responsibility, to monitor the evolution of the industry and to formulate action plans.

Manufacturing Competitiveness Committee

Objective: Focus on actions required to improve the competitiveness of Canada’s automotive manufacturing industry and secure Canada’s existing plants (e.g. incentives, regulations, and taxation).

Regulatory Efficiencies Committee

Objective: Focus on leveraging regulatory frameworks to enhance Canadian competitiveness in the manufacturing and sale of vehicles in Canada and abroad, including the promotion of regulatory alignment.

Border and Infrastructure Committee

Objective: Focus on identifying actions to enhance transportation infrastructure and border flows, including issues of trade where there are opportunities to advance the common interests of the industry.

Advanced Manufacturing and Productivity Improvements Committee

Objective: Provide recommendations to government and industry on how the Canadian auto sector can embrace innovative manufacturing systems to help drive their competitiveness (e.g. Industry 4.0 initiatives and lean manufacturing).

Next Generation Technologies Committee

Objective: Focus on identifying and leveraging Canadian strengths as they relate to current and future automotive technologies, positioning Canada as a location of choice for automotive research and development.

Talent Attraction and Skills Development Committee

Objective: Focus on identifying and filling the gap between demand for and supply of skilled talent, developing the capabilities to support current and future advancements in automotive and manufacturing technologies.

Investment Attraction Committee

Objective: Focus on engagement with Invest in Canada and other organizations dedicated to investment, promoting the development and articulation of a value proposition and marketing strategy for Canada’s automotive industry.